Concept of Floatation Therapy

What is floatation?

A sensory deprivation tank, also called a float tank or isolation tank offers a distraction free environment, improved sleep, relief from stress and pain. Floation tank helps you to experience a completely relaxed float therapy. It helps your mind and body to relax in a zero-gravity environment. Studies suggest that floating in a sensory deprivation tank helps in reducing stress and anxiety, muscle relaxation,better sleep and decreased pains.

A sensory deprivation tank is designed to be light-proof and sound-proof to provide a higher level of relaxation where you are free from any physical and mental strain. Your mind enters a meditative state where you can dissolve your stress, anxiety, panic, depression and reconnect with yourself.


Flotation therapy involves a sensory deprivation tank or float tank filled with lukewarm water and epsom salt. Our state of the art flotation tank is filled with 800 kgs of Epsom salt and purified water to achieve buoyancy that enables you to float effortlessly.The temperature of the saline solution is set at your skin temperature so after some time you feel completely weightless. The divide between your body and water disappears and you become one thus experiencing 'Floating'. As you start floating weightless, your brain experiences a deeply relaxed state and your body can recover faster from injuries, pains and stress.

The float therapy room with a sensory deprivation tank has been layered and packed to make it soundproof. Minimal use of light (or the option of no light) has been provided to bring the mind and body to the state of stillness. It is in the ideal state that the brain produces theta waves, which are crucial for complete relaxation, healing and repair of the body, improved concentration and creativity.

Benefits of the therapy

During the float in a sensory deprivation tank, you experience a state of bliss and contentment, reawakening and recalibration, a journey into the zone of nothingness.

Depending on one’s individual experience, the benefits of floating sessions are numerous. While many use it as a physical therapy, athletes find it refreshing and relaxing for their tired muscles. In addition to these, some people also experience increased spiritual health which helps to overcome their fears.

Float therapy or sensory deprivation in India has many physical and mental benefits because it provides a higher level of relaxation. With the elimination of external stimuli, the central nervous system's workload is reduced by as much as 90%. This reduction draws a person's energy inward and promotes relaxation--also known as the parasympathetic response.

The parasympathetic response is the mechanism by which the body naturally regenerates itself and maintains chemical and metabolic balance. Old wounds and injuries get healed faster and increased T-cell production strengthens the immune system when you relax in the sensory deprivation tank in India.

This deep level of relaxation also benefits the cardiovascular system, known as the vasodilatory effect, the body's circulation is increased while the blood pressure and heart rate are reduced. Furthermore, floating in a sensory deprivation tank in India eliminates the gravity on the body allowing muscles and joints to release tension and heal more rapidly. For this reason, people suffering from musculoskeletal and rheumatic conditions greatly benefit from sensory deprivation tank therapy.


Earlier known as "sensory deprivation tanks," and "isolation tanks", Float therapy was invented in the United States in 1952 by Dr John C. Lilly, a neuropsychiatrist interested in the effects of sensory deprivation on the brain. Over the years, his design went through a series of changes. The first commercially available Float tank came into the market in 1972. It has grown quickly over the past two decades in Europe and other parts of the world.

Float therapy in India is based on a scientific approach to deep relaxation called Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique or R.E.S.T. for short. Floating in a sensory deprivation tank triggers a deep relaxation response, much deeper than normal sleep. It enables us to drift into the elusive Theta state, which is hard to achieve.